Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some of our Frequently Asked Questions. Please feel free to contact us if you can't find the answer to your question.
Does Signal Scout modify any of my files?
Signal Scout needs program files and logs to function, but does not make any changes or modification to your files.
Do I need internet access to use Signal Scout?
You will only need an internet connection to activate your product key in the beginning and at least once every six (6) months thereafter to re-validate the license and/or download the newest version of Signal Scout.
How is Signal Scout different from simulation software like VitalSim or SATS?
Signal Scout is not an application program simulator. While it has basic simulation capabilities, Signal Scout is unique in that it connects to field equipment to display real-time and takes logged information to simplify the review of historic information. Signal Scout can also be used as a training tool when learning application logic.
Can I try it out before purchasing?
Absolutely! Please contact us for your free trial product key.
What signal controllers does Signal Scout work on?
Please see the chart below for the answer. iVPI support is currently in development. We keep continue to update Signal Scout and add support for other types of signal controllers, so make sure to download the newest version when it becomes available.
How is Signal Scout Purchased?
Signal Scout it sold as Software as a Service (SaaS). You can buy licenses on a yearly basis. The more licenses purchased by your company, the lower the price per license. Please message us to request a pricing sheet.
Does it work with crossings?
Currently Signal Scout works only with XP4 crossing equipment, but it only shows relay logic information. Signal Scout does not currently utilize crossing predictor information such as RX or Phase. These are future development opportunities.
How does Nomenclature Assist work?
Nomenclature Assist allows the user to provide information about the construction of their railroad’s nomenclature to Signal Scout. This information is provided in a format that is generalized so it can be used across multiple locations. When implemented, any user of Signal Scout will be able to simply mouse-over any bit to gain information about the name of the bit, how it is used, its normal state, or other information that may be useful.
Is Semaphore Software DBE or SBE certified?
Semaphore Software is DBE, SBE, SPSP and HUB certified, so purchasing Signal Scout can help you meet your company’s DBE/ SBE goals.
How do I get access to the Symbols Key?
The Symbols Key will show you what each color or shape in Signal Scout stands for. It can be easily accessed in Signal Scout by going to the top of the screen and clicking the Symbols Key or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+K.
Can I use Signal Scout for trainings?
Yes, using Signal Scout during training will not only give you the opportunity to explain program logic in a simple manner, but it also gives your employees a tool to use when they go out to troubleshoot after the actual training. By using Signal Scout in your training, you will be able to make the training specific to your company. Nomenclature Assist is a great feature to use during both training and out in the field.
What are the System Requirements of Signal Scout?
Signal Scout runs on any device that runs on Windows 8 or higher.
How do I use Signal Scout to train employees?
Using Signal Scout during training will not only give you the opportunity to explain program logic in a simple manner, but it also gives your employees a tool to use when they go out to troubleshoot after the actual training. By using Signal Scout in your training, you will be able to make the training specific to your company. You don't need to train your employees about how to troubleshoot every different signal controller, because Signal Scout displays them all in the same way.
Can I use Signal Scout in my country?
If you use any of the signal controllers listed from the compatibility chart Signal Scout should work for you. If you run into any issues, it may be due to something unique or specific about your setup. Please let us know and there's a good chance it can be quickly taken care of.